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Anton Kreil's PFTM Course: How to Get It for Free with Professional Forex.rar

Anton Kreil: Professional Forex.rar - What is it and why you need it

If you are interested in learning how to trade forex like a professional, you may have come across the name Anton Kreil. He is a former Goldman Sachs trader and the founder of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management (ITPM). He is also the creator of the Professional Forex Trading Masterclass (PFTM) course, which is one of the most comprehensive and practical online courses on forex trading. In this article, we will tell you more about Anton Kreil, his trading philosophy, his PFTM course, and how you can download Professional Forex.rar, which contains all the files you need to access the course.

Anton Kreil: Professional Forex.rar

Who is Anton Kreil and what is his trading philosophy

Anton Kreil was born in 1979 and raised in Liverpool, England. He had a tough childhood and decided at an early age that he wanted a better life. He studied economics at Manchester University and got a job as a trader at Goldman Sachs at the age of 20. He then moved to Lehman Brothers and JP Morgan, where he built successful trading franchises. He retired from trading at 28 and became a mentor and educator for aspiring traders. He founded ITPM in 2011 and has since taught thousands of students around the world how to trade professionally.

Anton Kreil's trading philosophy is based on three principles:

  • Understanding the global macroeconomic environment and how it affects different asset classes

  • Applying a rigorous risk management framework to every trade

  • Using a systematic approach to identify, execute, and monitor trades

He believes that trading is not about predicting the future, but about reacting to the present. He also believes that trading is not a hobby, but a business that requires discipline, patience, and hard work.

How Anton Kreil became a successful trader and educator

Anton Kreil's success as a trader and educator can be attributed to his passion, talent, and experience. He has always been fascinated by financial markets and economics since he was a teenager. He read books, magazines, newspapers, and websites to learn as much as he could. He also practiced trading with his own money and developed his own strategies. He was able to impress his employers with his skills and results, and quickly rose through the ranks.

As an educator, Anton Kreil has a unique ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms. He uses real-life examples, anecdotes, and humor to make his lessons engaging and memorable. He also provides practical advice, tools, and resources that his students can use to improve their trading performance. He is not afraid to challenge his students' assumptions and beliefs, and encourages them to think critically and independently.

What is the Professional Forex Trading Masterclass (PFTM) course

The PFTM course is Anton Kreil's flagship course on forex trading. It is designed for traders of all levels who want to learn how to trade forex like a professional. The course covers everything from the basics of forex markets, currencies, brokers, platforms, charts, indicators, etc., to advanced topics such as global macro analysis, intermarket analysis, trade idea generation, trade execution, risk management, portfolio management, etc.

What are the benefits of taking the PFTM course

By taking the PFTM course, you will be able to:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the forex market and how it works

  • Learn how to analyze the global macroeconomic environment and its impact on forex

  • Develop a systematic and consistent trading process that suits your personality and goals

  • Improve your trading skills and confidence with practical exercises and feedback

  • Access a wealth of trading resources, such as spreadsheets, indicators, videos, articles, etc.

  • Join a community of like-minded traders who share their insights and experiences

  • Get lifetime access to the course materials and updates

What are the contents of the PFTM course

The PFTM course consists of 28 video lessons, divided into four modules:





Forex Market Foundation

3 hours 19 minutes


Institutional Order Flow

5 hours 49 minutes


Core Risk Management Principles

3 hours 38 minutes


Predicting Forex Market Behaviour

8 hours 24 minutes


21 hours 10 minutes

In addition to the video lessons, the PFTM course also includes:

  • A 115-page course manual that summarizes the key concepts and formulas from the videos

  • A 50-page Excel workbook that contains all the spreadsheets and calculations used in the videos

  • A collection of 28 indicators that can be used on any trading platform to enhance your analysis and execution

  • A bonus video series on how to use the indicators effectively and efficiently

  • A series of articles and webinars on various topics related to forex trading, such as psychology, strategy, news, etc.

  • A private forum where you can interact with Anton Kreil and other PFTM students, ask questions, share ideas, etc.

  • A certificate of completion that proves your mastery of the PFTM course material

How to access the PFTM course

The PFTM course is an online course that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. You can watch the videos at your own pace and time, and revisit them as many times as you want. You can also download the course manual, workbook, indicators, and other resources for offline use.

To access the PFTM course, you need to purchase it from the ITPM website. The price of the course is $2,999 USD. You can pay with a credit card or PayPal. Once you make the payment, you will receive an email with your login details and instructions on how to access the course.

If you are not sure if the PFTM course is right for you, you can also sign up for a free trial. The free trial gives you access to the first video lesson of each module for 48 hours. You can also watch some sample videos and testimonials from previous students on the ITPM website.

What is Professional Forex.rar and how to download it

If you are looking for a way to get the PFTM course for free, you may have heard of Professional Forex.rar. This is a RAR file that contains all the files you need to access the PFTM course without paying for it. However, before you download Professional Forex.rar, you should know what it is, how it works, and what are the risks involved.

What is a RAR file and why is it used

A RAR file is a compressed file format that can store multiple files in one file. It is similar to a ZIP file, but it uses a more advanced compression algorithm that reduces the file size more effectively. RAR files are often used to share large files over the internet, such as movies, games, software, etc.

To create a RAR file, you need a software program called WinRAR. WinRAR can compress any type of file into a RAR file. It can also encrypt the RAR file with a password to protect it from unauthorized access. To open a RAR file, you need WinRAR or another software program that can extract RAR files.

How to download Professional Forex.rar from Rapidgator

Rapidgator is one of the most popular file hosting services that allows users to upload and download files. It is also one of the sources where you can find Professional Forex.rar. However, downloading Professional Forex.rar from Rapidgator is not as easy as it sounds. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Go to the Rapidgator website and search for Professional Forex.rar. You may find several links that claim to have the file, but some of them may be fake or broken. You need to be careful and check the file size, date, and comments before clicking on any link.

  • Once you find a valid link, click on it and you will be taken to a download page. On the download page, you will see two options: Free Download and Premium Download. The Free Download option is slow, limited, and requires you to wait for a certain amount of time and enter a captcha code before you can start the download. The Premium Download option is fast, unlimited, and does not require any waiting or captcha, but it costs money. You need to pay a subscription fee to use the Premium Download option.

  • If you choose the Free Download option, you need to follow the instructions on the screen and wait for your turn to download the file. You may also encounter pop-up ads, redirects, or other annoyances that may interfere with your download. If you choose the Premium Download option, you need to create an account and pay for a subscription plan that suits your needs. You can pay with a credit card or PayPal. Once you pay, you will be able to download the file without any restrictions.

  • After you download the file, you need to save it on your computer and extract it with WinRAR or another software program that can handle RAR files. You will also need a password to open the file. The password is usually provided by the uploader or in the comments section of the download page. If you cannot find the password, you may have to contact the uploader or look for another source.

How to extract and use Professional Forex.rar files

Once you have extracted Professional Forex.rar files, you will see a folder that contains several subfolders and files. These are the files that make up the PFTM course. You will see four subfolders named Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, and Module 4. Each subfolder contains several video files that correspond to the video lessons of each module. You will also see a file named PFTM Course Manual.pdf, which is the course manual that summarizes the key concepts and formulas from the videos. You will also see a file named PFTM Excel Workbook.xlsb, which is the Excel workbook that contains all the spreadsheets and calculations used in the videos. You will also see a folder named PFTM Indicators, which contains all the indicators that can be used on any trading platform to enhance your analysis and execution.

To use Professional Forex.rar files, you need to open them with the appropriate software program. For example, to watch the video files, you need a media player that can play MP4 files, such as VLC or Windows Media Player. To open the PDF file, you need a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat or Foxit Reader. To open the Excel file, you need Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program that can handle XLSB files. To use the indicators, you need a trading platform that can import custom indicators, such as MetaTrader 4 or 5.

Once you open Professional Forex.rar files, you can start learning from them as if you had purchased the PFTM course from ITPM. However, there are some drawbacks and risks of using Professional Forex.rar files instead of buying the PFTM course legitimately.

Conclusion and FAQs

Summary of the main points

In this article, we have discussed:

  • Who is Anton Kreil and what is his trading philosophy

  • What is the PFTM course and what are its benefits and contents

  • How to access the PFTM course by purchasing it from ITPM or downloading Professional Forex.rar

  • What is a RAR file and how to download and extract Professional Forex.rar from Rapidgator

  • What are the drawbacks and risks of using Professional Forex.rar instead of buying the PFTM course legitimately

We hope that this article has given you some useful information and insights on Anton Kreil's PFTM course and Professional Forex.rar.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Anton Kreil's PFTM course and Professional Forex.rar:

  • Is Anton Kreil's PFTM course worth it?

The answer to this question depends on your goals, expectations, and budget. The PFTM course is not a cheap or easy course. It requires a lot of time, effort, and money to complete. However, if you are serious about learning how to trade forex like a professional, the PFTM course can provide you with valuable knowledge, skills, and resources that can help you achieve your trading objectives. The PFTM course is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a magic formula. It is a comprehensive and practical course that teaches you how to trade forex based on the global macroeconomic environment, risk management principles, and systematic processes. The PFTM course can also help you develop your own trading style and personality, as well as connect you with a community of like-minded traders. Ultimately, the value of the PFTM course depends on how much you are willing to invest in your trading education and how much you are able to apply what you learn from the course.

  • Is Professional Forex.rar safe and legal?

The answer to this question is no. Professional Forex.rar is not safe or legal. Professional Forex.rar is a pirated version of the PFTM course that violates the intellectual property rights of Anton Kreil and ITPM. By downloading and using Professional Forex.rar, you are committing a crime and exposing yourself to potential legal consequences. Moreover, Professional Forex.rar is not safe for your computer or your trading account. Professional Forex.rar may contain viruses, malware, spyware, or other harmful programs that can damage your computer or steal your personal information. Professional Forex.rar may also contain incomplete, outdated, corrupted, or modified files that can affect the quality and accuracy of the PFTM course material. Professional Forex.rar may also lack the support and updates that are provided by ITPM to legitimate PFTM students. By using Professional Forex.rar, you are risking your trading performance and results.

  • What are some alternatives to Professional Forex.rar?

If you want to access the PFTM course without paying for it, there are some alternatives to Professional Forex.rar that are safer and more ethical. One alternative is to borrow or share the PFTM course with someone who has purchased it legitimately. This way, you can avoid downloading illegal and unsafe files from the internet, and also benefit from the support and updates from ITPM. However, you should still respect the intellectual property rights of Anton Kreil and ITPM, and not distribute or sell the PFTM course to others without their permission. Another alternative is to look for free or discounted offers from ITPM or Anton Kreil. Sometimes, ITPM or Anton Kreil may offer free trials, discounts, scholarships, or promotions for the PFTM course or other courses. You can check their website, social media, email list, or YouTube channel for any such opportunities. This way, you can access the PFTM course legally and affordably.

  • How can I contact Anton Kreil or ITPM?

If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or requests regarding Anton Kreil or ITPM, you can contact them through various channels. You can visit their website at and fill out their contact form. You can also email them at You can also call them at +44 (0) 20 7193 4541 (UK) or +1 646 583 2750 (US). You can also follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube.

  • Where can I find more information about forex trading?

If you want to learn more about forex trading, there are many sources of information available online and offline. You can read books, magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, webinars, etc. that cover various aspects of forex trading, such as history, theory, practice, strategy, analysis, news, etc. You can also join online forums, groups, communities, or networks where you can interact with other forex traders, ask questions, share ideas, etc. You can also attend offline events, seminars, workshops, or courses where you can meet and learn from forex experts, mentors, or coaches. However, you should always be careful and critical when consuming information about forex trading. Not all sources are reliable, accurate, or relevant. You should always do your own research, verify the facts, and test the ideas before applying them to your trading. dcd2dc6462


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